Transforming products, policies and food systems to build a healthier, more equitable, and more sustainable world.

We help clients lead on health, because sustainability without health is not sustainable.

Values and Vision

Values and Vision

Good Food is REAL Food


nutrient-dense ingredients


few additives, no concerning ingredients or chemicals, no harmful byproducts


transparent ingredient lists and policies – no hidden ingredients 



sustainable, safely, and fairly sourced and packaged


accessible and equitable healthy, nutritious foods


Food is Medicine
Food Equity is Key

The food we eat directly impacts our health, quality of life, and the future of our planet
According to the World Health Organization non-communicable diseases such as type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease are now the leading cause of death. Scientists have estimated that one in five deaths globally is directly linked to a poor diet: too few fresh vegetables, seeds and nuts, and too much sugar, salt and trans fats.
Addressing inequality and barriers to accessing healthy food – food justice – is a fundamental priority.

Remove and Replace Harmful Chemicals

There are more than 83,000 chemicals in use, and the vast majority have never been tested for safety. Studies have shown that numerous chemicals on the market and present in food products have mutagenic, neurotoxic, carcinogenic, and reprotoxic properties.
Food, beverages, products, and packaging are important sources of chemical exposures. Chemicals of concern enter as byproducts from processing, leach through water resistant packaging, or enter from elsewhere from the supply chain, such as pesticides from farming practices. 
For example, perfluorinated compounds (PFAS) are carcinogenic at certain exposures and are pervasive in food manufacturing and packaging. A study showed that over 400 chemicals leach from soft plastic water bottles into water – many of which are known to be potentially harmful to health.

Health Is A Core Part of ESG

While it’s increasingly common to report ESG performance – and in several countries in the EU it’s now even a legal requirement – unfortunately that often doesn’t include detailed health metrics.
Relatively few ESG rankings or company CSR reports comprehensively review health policies, the health of a company’s product mix, or their public health impacts.
Investor services and screens often include limited or no detailed information on health performance, undermining investors’ ability to invest according to health values and contribute to public health.

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